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Yaroslavl (топик на английском)


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Yaroslavl is an ancient city to the north of Moscow. It was founded in 1010 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise. There is an old beautiful legend about the foundation of Yaroslavl. Once Prince Yaroslav with his warriors came to the place where the Kotorosl River flowed into the Volga. The Prince liked the place, but the pagans who lived there didn't like this invasion and let their sacred bear kill the Prince, but Yaroslav fought against the sacred animal and killed it with his pole axe. Then he founded the fortress and it was called Yaroslavl and the coat of arms of the town was a bear with a pole axe on its shoulder.
Yaroslavl has the rich historic past. It saw the Tatar invasion, the Polish intervention, was damaged during the Revolution and suffered a lot. But in spite of all these difficult periods of history it has remained magnificently beautiful and it is one of the greatest attractions for tourists. Yaroslavl is one of the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. Every day a lot of tourists come to visit this ancient Russian city and admire its wonderful cathedrals, monasteries, churches and the famous embankment.
The first Russian theatre was built in Yaroslavl by Feodor Volkov. Yaroslavl is a big industrial city. Big plants and factories produce engines, paints, oil, tires, and other important things. The first in the world plant producing synthetic rubber was built in Yaroslavl, too.
When we speak about this city we can't help mentioning Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman cosmonaut, who was born there.
In 2005 Yaroslavl became a member of UNESCO because of its wonderful architecture and rich history.

admire [ad'maia] восхищаться
coat of arms ['kautav'aims] герб
embankment [im'bcerjkmant] набережная
engine ['end3in] мотор
fortress ['fo:tns] крепость
found (founded, founded) [faund] основывать
foundation [,faun'derj(3)n] основание
intervention [jnta'venf^n] вторжение
invasion [т'уегз(э)п] нашествие
magnificent [maeg'nifisnt] великолепный
pagan ['peigan] язычник
pole axe ['paul'aeks] секира
sacred ['seiknd] священный
synthetic rubber [sin,9etik'rAb3] синтетический каучук
tire ['taia] автомобильная шина
warrior ['\УЭ:ПЭ] воин

1. When was Yaroslavl founded?
2. What is the legend about the foundation of the city?
3. Why are the tourists attracted by Yaroslavl?
4. What and who is Yaroslavl famous for?






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