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Education in Russia (топик на английском)
Все топики.
"Россия" - все топики.
Every Russian citizen has the right to free education. Before
going to school children may go to nursery schools or
kindergartens. At the age of six children start going to school.
First they go to primary school where they learn to read, write
and count. Primary school finishes in the 3rd form. Then pupils
go to secondary school. After the 9th form pupils take school
exams and get a school certificate. After it they can choose
either to stay at school or go to a college to get a profession.
Most pupils stay at school and finish it with a school diploma
which allows them to enter an institution of higher education.
After finishing school pupils can go on to higher education.
There are a lot of institutes and universities in Russia. They
offer various departments which an entrant can choose according
to his or her abilities. It is difficult to enter an institute.
Entrants should attend university courses and then pass entrance
exams. Nowadays a new examination system is being introduced.
The so-called General State Exam allows pupils to enter any
Russian university if they get good and excellent marks for it.
This system hasn't been settled yet, but in some regions of
Russia it works already. Pupils take this examination after the
11th form.
Students in Russian universities usually have five years of
studies. At the end of every semester students have an
examination session and take exams. If students pass the exams
well they get a scholarship paid by the government. In most
universities and institutes graduates have to pass
State exams and defend their final project. After graduating
from an institution of higher education they can continue
studies and enter a post-graduate school. After defending a
dissertation they get a Master's Degree. In medical universities
students usually study for 6 years.
ability [a'bihti] способность
allow sb to do sth [э'1аи] позволять кому-то сделать что-то
attend courses [a'tend'koisiz] ходить на курсы
citizen ['sitizn] житель, гражданин
defend a dissertation [di'fendadiss: teij(3)n] защищать
department [di'paitmant] факультет
entrance exam [,entr(3)ns ig'zaem] вступительный экзамен
entrant ['entrant] абитуриент
examination session [ig'z£emi'nerj(3)n sej(3)n] экзаменационная
final project [ТатэГргс^зэк!] дипломная работа
graduate ['graedjuat] выпускник
graduate from ['grgedjueit^ram] заканчивать (университет)
institution of higher education [linsti'tju:J(3)n высшее учебное
заведение (ВУЗ)
introduce [jntra'djus] зд. вводить
kindergarten ['kind3,ga:tn] детский сад
nursery school ['n3:s3n,sku:l] ясли
offer ['ttfa] предлагать
post-graduate school ['paust'graedjuit sku:l] аспирантура
primary school ['praiman^kul] начальная школа
scholarship ['skttlajrp] стипендия
school certificate ['skulsa'tifikit] школьный аттестат
secondary school ['sek(3)nd(3)n,sku:l] средняя школа
semester [si'mesta] семестр
settle [setl] устанавливать(ся)
1. What right do Russian children have?
2. When do children start going to school? What can they attend
before going to school?
3. What do children do in primary school?
4. What can a pupil do after finishing secondary school?
5. Do pupils have any exams after the 11th form?
6. What new system is being introduced into Russian education?
What is special about it?
7. What do entrants have to do to enter an institution of higher
8. Do students have any examinations during the period of
studies in a university?
9. What must students do to graduate from an institution of
higher education?
10. What can they do after graduation?
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